2022 C.K.Medicated Plaster Soreness Small Black Ball Edition

2022 C.K.Medicated Plaster Soreness Small Black Ball Edition

Defeat the small black ball of soreness with C.K Medicated Plaster Twisted, bruised, blood clots, neck stiff and tight. All kinds of soreness, spasms, pain, need to reduce swelling and dissipate stasis

Cheng Kuang and Flash Wolves professional e-sports team launch "Wolf Lai Patch"

Cheng Kuang and Flash Wolves professional e-sports team launch "Wolf Lai Patch"

Stiff shoulders and neck, as well as sore lower back, have become common ailments in modern society, especially for professional gamers who train for more than 12 hours a day.

Relieve Your Soreness: Flash Wolves Edition" with C.K Medicated Plaster

Relieve Your Soreness: Flash Wolves Edition" with C.K Medicated Plaster

The professional esports team Flash Wolves has partnered with C.K for a collaborative event. C.K's Medicated Plaster is also involved in the collaboration.