"Cheng-Kuang chao KUSO Video Collection" Activity

Cheng-Kuang:chao KUSO video competition solicits contestants to explain their works正光許總經理與朝陽行銷與流通管理系:黃助理教授、陳助理教授,傳播與藝術系朱助理教授,點子王國際行銷有限公司鄭總經理,雅頓國際時尚造型有限公司楊總經理合照

The distinguished guests and students watched the video presentations of the participating groups intently.正光許總經理與朝陽行銷與流通管理系:黃助理教授、陳助理教授,傳播與藝術系朱助理教授,點子王國際行銷有限公司鄭總經理,雅頓國際時尚造型有限公司楊總經理合照

Cheng-Kuang:KUSO film solicitation contestants took photos with distinguished guests正光許總經理與朝陽行銷與流通管理系:黃助理教授、陳助理教授,傳播與藝術系朱助理教授,點子王國際行銷有限公司鄭總經理,雅頓國際時尚造型有限公司楊總經理合照

General Manager Xu Zhengguang took a photo with Assistant Professor Huang and Assistant Professor Chen of Chaoyang Marketing and Circulation Management Department, Assistant Professor Zhu of the Department of Communication and Art, General Manager Zheng of Piziwang International Marketing Co., Ltd., and General Manager Yang of Arden International Fashion Styling Co., Ltd.


Cheng Kuang

Founded in 1970, Cheng Kuang Pharmaceuticals Co., Ltd. has a history spanning over half a century. With the self-ascribed title of "Experts in Alleviating Pain," the company has been dedicated to the innovation, research and development, manufacturing, service, and quality enhancement of topical herbal medicines.
