Beizhuan United Sports Games sheds the sweat of youth!

Cheng Kuang Pharmaceuticals collaborates with the young student community once again! This time, we are partnering with 15 colleges and universities for the 'North Region Transfer Student Gathering.'

On March 12th, from 9 AM to 8 PM, they will be hosting a joint sports event at the Truth University campus, including the field, stadium, and activity center. Want to witness athletic guys and sunlit girls in action?

We guarantee an absolutely thrilling and intense competition. Remember to come to Truth University and witness the lively North Transfer Joint Sports Event. Come and cheer for the passionate university students!

Let's all sweat it out and share the vigor of youth together!

Be sure to follow the 12th Annual Sports Event of 2016 North Transfers Fan Page!

Psst... We're letting participating students in on a little secret – there's a chance to win Cheng Kuang's super practical health gift set on that day!

Cheng Kuang

Founded in 1970, Cheng Kuang Pharmaceuticals Co., Ltd. has a history spanning over half a century. With the self-ascribed title of "Experts in Alleviating Pain," the company has been dedicated to the innovation, research and development, manufacturing, service, and quality enhancement of topical herbal medicines.
