Prolonged sitting causes lower back discomfort

Modern people often spend long hours sitting in offices, maintaining the same posture for extended periods, which has a negative impact on their spinal health. Many individuals experience lower back pain, primarily due to the excessive pressure exerted on the lumbar spine due to prolonged sitting. This article will delve into the effects of prolonged sitting on spinal health and provide practical methods to alleviate discomfort in the lower back.


The Hazards of Prolonged Sitting in the Office

Long hours of sitting in the office have become a common modern lifestyle, but it poses significant risks to our physical well-being that should not be overlooked. Prolonged sitting puts constant pressure on our lumbar spine, often leading to lower back pain, stiffness, and discomfort. Additionally, it increases the risk of developing chronic conditions such as obesity, cardiovascular diseases, and diabetes.

How to Alleviate Lumbar Discomfort Caused by Prolonged Sitting

Here are four methods to effectively alleviate lumbar discomfort caused by prolonged sitting:

1.Maintain Correct Posture

Maintaining the correct posture is key to reducing lumbar pressure. When seated in the office, ensure your back is firmly against the chair, providing adequate support to your lower back. Adjust the chair's height so that both feet can comfortably rest flat on the floor with knees bent at a 90-degree angle. Additionally, try to avoid crossing your legs or remaining in one position for extended periods, as this increases pressure on the lower back.

2.Stretch and Move Regularly

Prolonged sitting leads to muscle stiffness, adding to the pressure on the lumbar spine. Regular stretching and movement can help alleviate lower back discomfort. For instance, take breaks at intervals to stand up and move around, whether it's walking to a nearby area or climbing stairs. Additionally, incorporate some lumbar stretching exercises such as twists, forward bends, and side bends. These activities enhance blood circulation and reduce lumbar pressure.

3.Utilize Lumbar Cushions and Belts

Using lumbar cushions and belts can provide extra support to the lower back, easing lumbar pressure. A lumbar cushion can be placed on the chair's backrest to maintain the correct curvature of the lower back and lessen the burden on it. A lumbar belt offers pressure distribution and stability, reducing strain on the lower back during movement. Select suitable lumbar cushions and belts to ensure they fit comfortably.

4.Pay Attention to Moderate Exercise and Rest

In addition to improving posture and regular stretching, moderate exercise and rest are crucial for lumbar health. Engaging in aerobic activities like walking, swimming, or jogging on a regular basis can strengthen the muscles and supporting structures in the lower back, reducing discomfort. At the same time, do not underestimate the importance of taking breaks. Pause at intervals during work to relax the lower back and body.

Remember, a proactive approach to mitigating the effects of prolonged sitting on the lumbar spine is essential for maintaining overall well-being and preventing long-term health issues.

Cheng Kuang

Founded in 1970, Cheng Kuang Pharmaceuticals Co., Ltd. has a history spanning over half a century. With the self-ascribed title of "Experts in Alleviating Pain," the company has been dedicated to the innovation, research and development, manufacturing, service, and quality enhancement of topical herbal medicines.
