
Relieving Stress and Banishing Negative Emotions: Finger Massage Techniques

In modern life, we often face challenges of stress and negative emotions. Prolonged work pressure, personal life hassles, and various stressors can affect our mental and emotional well-being. However, did you know? The remedy for relieving stress and dispelling negative emotions is right at your fingertips.

C.K Yi Tiao Gen Essential Oil Roll-on Gel with Physiotherapist Juice - User Guide

C.K Yi Tiao Gen Essential Oil Roll-on Gel - New Release We are honored to have "Juice, Physical Therapist" provide a tutorial on how to use it correctly.

Why do Joints Hurt?

Joint pain can have multiple causes, and here are some common potential factors: Arthritis: One of the most common causes of joint pain is arthritis, which includes osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. Osteoarthritis occurs due to the degeneration and wear of joint cartilage, while rheumatoid arthritis is an autoimmune disease that causes inflammation and damage to the joints.

What is lower back pain (Lumbar Pain)?

Lower back pain can be caused by various factors, including: Muscle strains and sprains: Factors such as obesity, smoking, weight gain during pregnancy, stress, poor physical condition, improper posture, and sleeping positions can lead to muscle strains and sprains, resulting in lower back pain.

Sprains and Strains Causes

Sprains and strains refer to injuries to ligaments and tendons, respectively, in medical terms. Ligaments are connective tissues that connect bone to bone and help maintain joint stability. When ligaments are stretched or torn due to external forces, it is called a sprain. Tendons, on the other hand, are fibrous connective tissues that connect muscles to bones. When tendons are torn or twisted due to external forces, it results in a strain.

What are the Causes of Bruises and Hematomas

Bruises and hematomas are common occurrences in daily life when our bodies experience collisions or impacts. These phenomena are caused by ruptured blood vessels, leading to blood pooling under the skin and forming a bruise or hematoma. They typically appear as swollen areas with varying shades of blue, purple, or black.

Why do I have muscle pain? How to releive it?

Muscle pain is a common physical discomfort symptom, often occurring when muscles are injured, overworked, overstretched, or excessively used. When you experience muscle pain, it is usually your body's natural response, signaling that you need to give it proper rest and care.

Why does mosquito bites itch? How to Relief the iItchiness? How to Prevent Mosquito Bites?

The most common cause of inflammation from mosquito bites is dermatitis. Mosquitoes pierce the skin with their mouthparts, and their saliva or venom enters the skin. Because the mosquito's saliva or venom glands contain various antigenic components, these antigens can trigger an allergic reaction when they enter the human skin, causing inflammation.

C.K Aromatherapy Roll On Oil Tips and Tricks

Recently, it's really necessary to have a mask on hand when going to crowded places. In closed compartments or areas with poor ventilation, the air quality isn't good, and it can affect our mood. Wearing a mask for an extended period can also feel stuffy.

Smart Ways to Use Essential Oils in Daily Life

Although the pandemic has temporarily eased, through the unpredictability of the situation, humanity has come to realize the importance of health. In addition to maintaining regular routines and cultivating healthy habits, trying aromatherapy can also be a way to purify the air and prevent illness at home in a timely manner.

In spring, the key to health is nourishing the liver

In spring, it's essential to focus on liver health, so be sure to press the Taichong acupoint more often. This can help relieve stress and alleviate liver heat.

Prolonged sitting causes lower back discomfort

Modern people often spend long hours sitting in offices, maintaining the same posture for extended periods, which has a negative impact on their spinal health. Many individuals experience lower back pain, primarily due to the excessive pressure exerted on the lumbar spine due to prolonged sitting.

Moving your ankles has many benefits

Do you often feel unsteady while walking, or do you frequently accidentally twist your ankle? If so, you may need to take extra care of your ankles. Let me tell you how crucial it is to look after your ankles.

The Truth About Lower Back Pain: Key Facts You Should Know

Lower back pain is a common health issue that can impact one's quality of life and work efficiency. There are many misconceptions about the causes and treatments of lower back pain.

Diclofenac, painkiller and anti-inflammatory medication listed as top five suspected drugs

The medications and pain relief patches contain the analgesic and anti-inflammatory ingredient "Diclofenac." In 2021, it was declared for insurance claims totaling 110 million NTD, making it one of the commonly used medications.

What are the Common Causes of Shoulder and Neck Pain?

This condition mainly affects the muscles in the neck, shoulders, and shoulder blades. Patients may experience muscle stiffness and soreness. If you need to sit for extended periods or perform tasks that involve arm and neck movements at work, shoulder and neck pain may affect your work efficiency.

"Monday Blues? Try These 3 Methods to Regain a Positive Outlook!"

Do you often feel tired and disheartened on Monday mornings, finding yourself reluctant to face the new week? If so, you may be experiencing what's commonly known as the "Monday Blues"

Having trouble regaining focus after the holiday break? Try these three effective methods

After the Chinese New Year holiday, many people often find it difficult to refocus and get back into their regular work routine. Don't worry! Through the following three effective methods, you can easily adjust your post-holiday state and re-engage in your work.

Chinese Medicine Without Diclofenac

A few days ago, there was news reporting a tragedy overseas caused by an overdose of pain relief patches. These patches contain the opioid component "fentanyl," which is classified as a second-level controlled substance in Taiwan. Its use requires careful attention to avoid the dangers of overconsumption.

Bending and Lifting | Top Postures for Back Injuries

In our daily lives and at work, we often find ourselves needing to bend and lift objects. However, incorrect postures and improper movements can lead to injuries and discomfort in our lower back.

Relieving Pain: Cold or Hot Compress? The Right Way to Find Relief!

In times of injury or fatigue, proper handling is crucial. But in such situations, what exactly does proper handling entail - is it applying cold compress first, or should one apply heat first? Let's find out together!

Consistency is Key: Building the Perfect Physique with Essential Toning Exercises

On the journey towards health and achieving the perfect physique, exercise and diet are indispensable elements. However, there is another crucial aspect that is often overlooked, and that is body-toning exercises.

The Magical Power of Warm-up: How to Make Your Exercise More Effective

In the pursuit of health and vitality, exercise is an indispensable component. However, many people overlook a crucial step when engaging in physical activity: warming up.

Hot-Cold Alternating Technique: Athletes' Revealed Secret for Reducing Swelling

Exercise is a healthy lifestyle, but sometimes we may encounter minor injuries or muscle swelling during physical activity. In such cases, many athletes turn to a popular method for reducing swelling known as "hot and cold therapy." In this article, we will uncover the secrets of this swelling reduction technique and explore its applications in the world of sports.

Office Deskercises - Rescuing the Sedentary

In modern office culture, prolonged sitting has become the norm for many office workers. However, sitting for extended periods not only harms our health but can also lead to issues like lower back pain, stiff shoulders and neck, and fatigue. To help office workers improve this situation, today we will introduce a series of "office exercises." These simple yet effective movements can be done during work hours to help you stay energized and healthy.

Dajia Mazu Pilgrimage Guide: Prevention and Treatment of Blisters

The Dajia Mazu Pilgrimage is about to begin, and during these nine days of the journey, it's crucial for the devotees carrying the incense to be equipped with some important information, especially regarding the prevention and treatment of blisters.

Dajia Mazu Pilgrimage Guide Part 1

The Dajia Mazu Pilgrimage is about to commence. During these nine days of the pilgrimage, it is crucial for devotees to be equipped with some important information.

Muscle soreness may lead to a decline in physical performance

When experiencing soreness in the shoulders and discomfort in the arms, many of us might wonder, "Could this be a frozen shoulder?" In the past, this kind of discomfort primarily occurred in individuals around the age of 50, hence the term "frozen shoulder."

Warming and Circulating Meridians - Cinnamon in Traditional Chinese Medicine

In traditional Chinese medicine, cinnamon is known for its effects on promoting gastrointestinal motility, aiding digestion, and inhibiting bacteria. It can even be used to improve symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis and slow-healing wounds.

The All-Purpose Blood-Activating and Toxin-Dispelling Herb - Celastrus orbiculatus

Commonly known as the "All-Purpose Herb" or "Qingming Herb," Celastrus orbiculatus is also called "Climbing Dragon Grass." During spring and summer, it blooms with purple flowers in spiral clusters, arranged along the stems, creating a beautiful sight reminiscent of the dragon pillars found in temples. Hence, it is also known as the "Red Dragon Embracing the Pillar" or "Climbing Dragon Participant." In the eyes of traditional Chinese medicine practitioners, this herb is highly treasured.

The Qi-Activating and Blood-Circulating Murraya paniculata

Murraya paniculata or Seven Fragance, a commonly used traditional Chinese medicinal herb, is renowned for its unique aroma and rich therapeutic effects. It is a herbaceous plant that thrives in humid regions of southern China, particularly in the South China area. The name "Seven Fragrance" originates from its ability to disperse its fragrance up to seven miles away, describing its strong and far-reaching aroma.

Maclura Cochinchinensis an Excellent Remedy for Contusions

The Golden Cinnamon is an essential component in traditional Chinese medicine, renowned for its unique fragrance and numerous medicinal properties. It is known for its ability to warm and disperse cold, activate blood circulation, and resolve blood stasis. As a result, it is widely used in Chinese herbal formulas to treat symptoms such as coldness in the spleen and stomach, and menstrual pain. Its aromatic flavor also makes it a common seasoning in cooking and baking, adding flavor and fragrance to dishes.

The Secret of Bone Healing Sambucus Javanica

In traditional medicine medicine, Sambucus, also known as Bone-Healing or Shuo Die, is renowned for its ability to dispel wind, eliminate dampness, promote blood circulation, and stop bleeding. Its dried leaves and roots are commonly used in traditional Chinese herbal medicine to treat bruises and injuries. Sambucus is an endemic species found in Taiwan, distributed up to an altitude of about 2500 meters.

Yi Tiao Gen for Strengthening Muscles and Bones

Legend has it that the application of "Yi Tiao Gen" (A Mighty Root) originated during the time of Zheng Chenggong (Koxinga). At that time, soldiers stationed in Kinmen suffered from various joint inflammation and rheumatic diseases due to the island's climate. They learned about the folk remedy called "Yi Tiao Gen" from local villagers.

The Blood-Activating and Pain-Relieving Herb - Red Peony Root

During the Ming Dynasty, Li Shizhen described in the "Compendium of Materia Medica" (Volume 14, Grass section): "White peony nourishes the spleen and can drain wood from the earth; Chi Shao disperses pathogenic factors and can eliminate blood stasis." Since then, Chi Shao and Bai Shao have been used separately.

The Cooling Blood and Dispelling Heat Effects of Gou Qi Root (Di Gu Pi)

Gou Qi (Lycium barbarum), commonly known as Goji Berry, is a frequently used Chinese medicinal herb. Various parts of the plant, including the leaves, flowers, roots, and fruits, can be used for medicinal purposes, each possessing different medicinal properties. In spring, the leaves of Gou Qi are harvested and known as "Tian Jing Cao," which has specific pharmacological effects.

Angelica Dahurica (Bai Zhi) - Dispelling Wind and Relieving Pain

Bai Zhi serves both as a medicinal herb and a fragrant spice. It is one of the ingredients in the "Thirteen Spices" and has a fragrant aroma with a slight bitterness.

Sheng Ma: Clear Heat and Detoxify

This herb comes from the rhizomes of Cimicifuga heracleifolia (Kom.) or Cimicifuga dahurica (Turcz.) (also known as Xing An Sheng Ma or Northern Sheng Ma) and Cimicifuga foetida L. It is mainly produced in Liaoning, Heilongjiang, Hunan, Shanxi, and other regions. The rhizomes are harvested in summer and autumn, then dried and cut into slices. They can be used raw or processed with honey.

Stress Relief at Your Fingertips and Toes! Massage Technique to Alleviate Headaches and Worries

In the busy modern life, headaches and stress have become common daily nuisances for many people. However, you might be surprised to find that the solution to these problems may lie right between your fingers and toes!

Summer Survival Tips

Heatstroke can occur not only from prolonged outdoor activities in high-temperature environments or excessive exposure to the sun, but it is also commonly seen in situations where individuals frequently transition between air-conditioned rooms.

Detoxifying and Swelling-Reducing Sea Hibiscus

The entire plant of sea hibiscus can be used as medicine and has various applications. It can promote blood circulation, expel wind, eliminate dampness, reduce swelling, detoxify, suppress cough, and dispel phlegm. In medical practice, it is mainly used to treat rheumatic joint pain, long-term headache, menstrual disorders, wind-cold colds, pertussis, bronchitis, mastitis, carbuncles, swelling, kidney deficiency, stomach pain, pediatric fetal toxins, poor childhood growth, bruises, skin inflammation, and gonorrhea.

Drive Away Pain" with our gift of a Cheng Kuang Relief Cream from the Times

"Pain, it's not just about enduring it. To get rid of pain, you need to first identify the cause. Modern people lead busy lives, facing not only mental stress but also physical strain. Issues like stiff shoulders and neck, and overall muscle soreness are common occurrences.

"Natural Wonder: Delving into the Vitality of Yi Tiao Gen

Throughout history, nature has always been humanity's greatest treasure, providing a variety of plants and medicinal herbs with astonishing benefits.

An analgesic and anti-inflammatory Yi Tiao Gen, further research required

During the Academic Symposium on Traditional Chinese Medicinal Herbs in Kinmen held at the County Agricultural Experimental Station today, Dr. Ke Yuren, an adjunct assistant professor at China Medical University, pointed out that a certain type of root in Kinmen has functions such as pain relief and anti-inflammatory effects, but further research is needed.

'Physiological Pain Relief through Accurate Acupressure Points' - Experience with Medicinal Essential Oils

Dysmenorrhea is a nightmare for many female friends; many girls have experienced the discomfort and pain in the lower abdomen. Painkillers are just a temporary solution to alleviate the discomfort and pain, unable to truly address the underlying causes of the pain.